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Perfect Fit Harnesses

Prices from £11.00 (Individual pieces) and from £30.00 (complete harnesses)
Tiny, 15mm, 20mm and 40mm ranges in stock
Complete harnesses or individual pieces available to purchase.
Matching training leads also available £20.00
Ruff & Tumble Drying Coats

Prices from £34.00
Standard sizes: XXS - XL
Special sizes:
Dachshund miniature, tweenie and standard
German shepherd dog
Mountain dog
Giant mountain dog
Classic range and country range in stock
Ruff & Tumble Cool Coats

Prices from £50.00
Standard sizes: XS - XL
Back on Track Coats

Prices from £40
Ranges in stock:
Hugo mesh rug
Nights collection dog rug
Dachshund rug
Whippet rug
Multi season dog rug with filling
Dog jumper Bianca

Prices from £4.00
Range In stock:
Playdate deluxe