Figgy is a lovely German wire-haired pointer cross German shorthaired pointer who started coming for therapy in March of this year to help with her rehab following surgery on her right stifle. She had tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) surgery to stabilise her right stifle (knee) after her cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) ruptured.
Figgy's therapy has consisted of weekly (progressing to fortnightly) physiotherapy sessions involving class IV laser therapy, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, massage and gentle stretches and joint movements. Plus a home program with steadily increasing walks and home exercises.
When Figgy first started therapy she was a little anxious about being in session as she has separation anxiety. We took our time with her and allowed her to get used to how sessions work. Her initial sessions involved lots of little breaks so as not to overwhelm her.
Figgy has made great progress behaviourally and is now comfortable and relaxed for her sessions, even falling asleep during her therapy on occasion. Physically she has also made super progress, building up muscle on her right hind leg and regaining her strength and stamina.

We are very happy with how well Figgy has done physically and are extremely proud of how well she settles for her therapy now. What a Superstar!