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Covid Update 19/07/2021

Carol Ann

Following the recent Government announcement easing Covid restrictions I wanted to explain that here at Valiant Vet Physio nothing much will be changing.

  • We are continuing to run a drop off only service.

  • We will still request that clients wear a mask to drop off and collect their dogs (although we understand if you are unable to)

  • We will still be wearing a mask ourselves when we are in closer contact with clients (i.e. at handover of dogs) and when staff are working closing with each other.

  • We will be continuing to run appointments with a short gap in between to allow for cleaning in between patients.

Please be mindful that we are very small clinic with a very small team of staff. Therefore, if one member of staff becomes ill then it is likely that all of us would have to isolate causing a temporary closure of the clinic. This would negatively affect both your animals progress and health, as well as having severe financial implications for the clinic.

Even if we did not have to isolate and only the ill member of staff was off work, this would still result in all their appointments being cancelled while they are ill and given how busy we are it would be extremely unlikely that we could rearrange the appointments to an alternative therapist.


If you, or anyone in your household, feels unwell or has signs of Covid please contact us and cancel your appointment ASAP.

Similarly, if your dog has any sigs of a GI upset (vomiting or diarrhoea) in the 24 hour prior to their appointment please contact us and cancel. If you show up to your appointment knowing that your dog has signs of a GI upset that we will not be able to see them and you will still be charged for your appointment.

While we will continue to charge the full appointment price for same day cancellations this will not apply for cancellations due to Covid.

Please note that we will charge you the full price of your dogs appointment if you cancel with no notice (i.e. same day) or you do not show up for your dogs appointment. We always confirm appointments via text, WhatsApp or email at the time of booking and our clinic software sends out a text and / or email reminder 2-3 days prior to the actual appointment.

If you are not receiving your reminders, please let us know and double check your contact details with us.

Late Collection Fees

Please remember to be on time for your dogs appointment and please arrive 5 min before the end of your dogs appointment time to give time for handing over and payment.

While we have a small gap between appointments this is required for cleaning. And if both therapy rooms are in use, then the next dog will be due out of their appointment 5 mins later.

If you are late collecting your dog then late collection fees will apply.

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